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DIY Bore Pump Kits

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DIY Bore Pump Kits

DIY bore pump kits come with REEFE submersible bore hole pumps which provide an easy to install compact and complete package with everything you need to get you started. (Does not include Poly or Riser pipe).

DIY Bore Pump Kits Include:

  • Bore pump with 240v motor
  • 50m of 3-core 2-wire submersible electrical drop cable
  • 50m of stainless steel safety rope
  • Bore Cap
  • Starter Box

Powered by the pre-coupled quality and reliable 100% tested European made motor. This specific range offers RBK models capable of heads of up to 90 metres with maximum flow rates of up to 6m³/hr or 100LPM.

Our packages are built specifically for quick and easy well installations.

Bore Pump Selection Hints

Please remember that the ‘Head’ is not just the depth that the pump is set at down the bore casing.  To learn more on how to calculate the ‘head’, please go here: How to Calculate the ‘Total Head’.

To learn more about how to read the flow charts, please go here: How to understand the flow charts.

The amount of water that the bore pump produces depends on the head that the pump is operating at.

For example, the RBK0710 (which is a 0.37kw / 0.5hp bore pump), will produce 30LPM when operating at a head of 35m.  This same pump will produce 40LPM if it is operating at a head of 18m. It will produce a lesser flow of 10LPM if operating at a head of 57m.

Submergence Depth

These pumps have a maximum submergence depth of 50m because they come with 50m of electrical drop cable and 50m of support cable.  The pumps are capable of larger ‘heads’ than 50m. The ‘submergence depth’ and the ‘head’ may not be the same.


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Thanks Marion for your prompt action on my order. The pump motor arrived within a week and the bore is back in service. (purchased a Franklin Electric 4″ submersible motor)
Graham, Sandford

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