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2 Wire Single Phase Motors

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Franklin Electric

2 Wire Single Phase Motors

2-wire single phase motors from Franklin Electric have a BIAC starting switch that provides reverse impact torque to aid starting in harsh conditions.  There is more info below on this feature.

The 2-wire motors are plug and pump, no control / starter box is required.

2 wire single phase motors from Franklin Electric have a split phase motor with built-in starting components. These motors have an automatic reset overload and surge protectors. The Franklin 2-wire motor is designed for direct connection to single-phase power supply with no need for a control box. The advantages of this motor design are the ease of installation along with the unique ‘reverse impact torque’.

A 2-wire (3 core) submersible electrical drop cable is used with this motor.  Each motor comes with approx. 1 meter of cable.  This cable is to be spliced (joined) to your cable.  The join will be submersed in water so make sure this is done by a certified electrician to ensure it is waterproof.

The motor protection device for the 2-wire Franklin Motors is the PUMPTEC IR or the PUMPTEC PLUS.  These must be purchased separately.

Reverse Impact Torque feature of the Franklin 2-wire motor.

It is always recommended to use a bore pump in clean water.  However, this unique torque reversing feature will minimize the problems that may occur if running in dirty water.   In a locked rotor condition, the BIAC switch will supply full start winding current for approximately one second.  Then the switch begins to open and close rapidly.  This action chops the start winding current, switching it between leading and lagging the run winding current.  This produces impact torque in both forward and reverse directions.  This reverse impact torque will shake and loosen many obstructions.  Once cleared, the motor will run in proper rotation.

Bound Pump (sand-locked)

When the motor is not free to turn, as with a sand locked pump, the BIAC switch creates a ‘reverse impact torque’ as described above.  This is a unique feature particularly interesting in sandy environments or applications where long stand still periods are to be expected (seasonal usage of water).

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