Pressure pump selection guide. If you want to buy a rainwater tank pump, the information below is what you need to look for when selecting a pressure pump for your rainwater tank. The pressure pump selection guide is structured in two parts. The first part is for ‘Above Ground Tanks’. Above ground tanks are rainwater...Read More
What you need to look for when buying a pump for your rainwater tank If you want to buy a rainwater tank pump, the information below is what you need to look for when buying a pump for your rainwater tank. Now that your rainwater tank/s are full of water, you need to get that...Read More
Sucking Water from an Underground Tank The inlet of your pump, where water enters in from your tank, is considered the suction area of a pump. Suction pressure is how much water your pump can suck in through its inlet. Many pumps specify a suction lift, represented in metres. This represents how far down your...Read More